Adtelligent Inc

Adtelligent Cookie Opt Out

Stay in control of your ads

Adtelligent serves targeted advertising on behalf of its clients, and uses cookies to do this. However, we believe you should stay in control of your online information, so you can choose whether to let us set cookies for this purpose.

If you are happy for us to set advertising cookies, please click "Allow" below. If not, simply click "Opt Out". Even if you allow us to set advertising cookies now, you can change your mind at any time and opt out by clicking Opt Out below on this page.

We remember opt-outs by storing an Opt Out cookie on your browser, so if you delete your cookies you will need to opt out again. Please also note that Opt Outs are specific to the browser you use so, if you use multiple browsers, you will need to opt out on each browser.